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Make Peace Happen



Night Church Initiative

What is it? Two or more people go out and occupy a corner that is a local hotspot for crime, shootings, drug dealing, etc. You can bring lights (we have two power stations potentially available for lights). You can pray. You can preach. You can do worship. Give away food. Start a bible study. Do an open mic. Do white board evangelism. You can ask people if they need prayer. We would suggest taking communion.
Why occupy corners? Because it works. There has been testimony after testimony from around the city of churches doing this and shutting down crime on the blocks where they do it.
Why call it church? Two or more are gathered.  The church isn't somewhere you go, it is a people that goes where there is darkness and shines God's light.
Why every night? Because violence, drugs, and people are out every night of the week and we want to apply a constant positive pressure against the darkness in our city.
Do we need a big crowd? No. Plenty of good has been done with just two or three people. 

Why different corners? We want to saturate the Northside and there isn't just one corner with a problem.

Can you move around? Yes. We will post time and place to meet up, but after that, it will be up for the leaders to decide the best location for the evening. We suggest going where the people are.
What if it rains? You just got a night off. 

Upcoming Events

  • Night Church - Devon

    Fri, Feb 14 at 7:00 PM

    Corner of Devon and Maplewood

    Please join us as we gather on the streets to share the love of Christ and pray for the neighborhood.

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  • Night Church - Devon

    Fri, Feb 21 at 7:00 PM

    Corner of Devon and Maplewood

    Please join us as we gather on the streets to share the love of Christ and pray for the neighborhood.

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  • Night Church - Devon

    Fri, Feb 28 at 7:00 PM

    Corner of Devon and Maplewood

    Please join us as we gather on the streets to share the love of Christ and pray for the neighborhood.

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  • Night Church - Devon

    Fri, Mar 7 at 7:00 PM

    Corner of Devon and Maplewood

    Please join us as we gather on the streets to share the love of Christ and pray for the neighborhood.

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  • Mission Chicago 2025

    Fri, May 23 at 12:00 PM


    Join the Church of Chicago for a week of prayer and outreach in our city! There will be outreaches throughout the city for you to participate in!

    View Event

Chicago Peace Campaign

This Chicago Peace Campaign 2016 video features pastors from the Roseland neighborhood who have been doing a form of night church since 2016. They have seen amazing results in their community. It also features Dimas Salaberrios who was used of God to shut down homicides in his micro-neighborhood of the Bronx for the last decade.

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